The employment matcher! 


Make your job search simpler and faster.
With Jobby, you can explore job openings near you, receive personalized recommendations based on your skills, and schedule interviews easily.

Instant access: Find job openings that match your skills and location.
Clear information: Salaries, required skills, and distance—all in one place.
Ongoing support: Use our agent to get real-time answers to your questions.
Personal growth: Discover which skills to improve to access better opportunities.

Explore the concept of Jobby's app for employers 

(whatch the video) ---->


Hire top talent in less time.
Posting job openings has never been easier. Save time and attract the best candidates with our automated system.

Recruitment optimization: Post jobs quickly using our extensive catalog of occupations and skills.
Precise hiring: Smart matching based on skills.
Automation: Schedule interviews and send notifications effortlessly.
Cost savings: Reach more candidates without additional advertising expenses.

Watch a preview of how we imagine the app for job seekers

(whatch the video) ---->